Queensland Lace, a division of the Australian Lace Guild, is passionate about ensuring that lacemaking skills continue to be part of our craft and textile industry.
We champion all forms of lace making across Queensland.

a short history of lace

Lacemaking has a rich history, believed to have started in Europe in the 16th century with various regions and cultures developing their own unique styles and traditions of lace making over time.
Today, lacemaking continues to be a traditional art form, a relatively cheap hobby, and a fantastically creative craft with modern lacemakers incorporating new fibres and techniques.
Lacemaking incorporates a variety of techniques including
- Bobbin Lace (e.g. Torchon, Honiton, Tape)
- Crochet Lace (e.g. Irish, Fillet)
- Knitted Lace
- Knotted Lace
- Needle Lace
- Netted Lace
- Tatted Lace
Check out the Gallery of work to see our members creativity and examples of various lace techniques.
Australian Lace Guild
Our Mission
The aim and objectives of our organisation are:
- To promote lacemaking as a craft throughout Australia
- To bring together people interested in all forms of lace and lacemaking
- To provide a forum for the exchange of information on lace and lacemaking
- To establish and maintain standards of excellence in the craft of lacemaking in all forms
To become a member of the Queensland Lace Division, please join the Australian lace Guild. If you live in Queensland, you will automatically become a Queensland member

Queensland Division
- Membership in the Queensland Division of Lace Guild provides a unique opportunity to explore, learn and connect with fellow enthusiasts who, like you, appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship embedded in this ancient textile tradition.
- The Queensland Divsion organises meetings, workshops, newsletters, demonstrations, displays and other activities for their members.